
MONAT hair care and Princeton

Eventually, I plan to write a longer post about both Monat and Multi-Level Marketing in general. It was important to get this information up now since this rumor is spreading like wildfire. Chances are, you've seen people selling Monat hair care products by now. You've probably been placed in a group (without your permission) that's selling it on Facebook! In this post, I want to clear up one rumor going around. I'm sure you've heard it.. The claim: "Monat was studied/clinically proven by Princeton University (for 3 years)!"  My critical thinking brain wouldn't let it go so I decided to find out. First, I emailed the Associate Dean of Research at Princeton University to ask her. She asked me to send her where it was being claimed that Princeton University did this study. I sent her various websites as well as a Facebook search (Go onto Facebook and in the search box, type: Monat Princeton University - you'll get hundreds of results of ...